The Early 90's
Raymond has been involved in most of the major forms
of media, print, radio, television, and now internet.
Wherever he has lived, he has produced articles and newsletters to expound and clarify
the faith and social issues. A major part of his
initial outreach was radio programs.
In New Zealand, his first radio broadcast show was
"Crossroads Challenge". It was produced
in cooperation with the Alternative Ministry of the Auckland diocese.
In Christchurch, he ran "Mission: Possible!",
supported by the diocesan bishop, the Most Reverend Basil Meeking.
"Sounds Catholic" in Western Australia was sponsored by the Most Rev. Barry
Hickey, Archbishop of Perth. In his section, "Radio Replies", Raymond
answered write-in questions on faith and morals. Its success led to a live, call-in talk show called
"The Layman’s Hour" which he and his wife, Theresa, produced
for two years.
Every Sunday evening they punched out news, interviews, reports and animated exchanges with callers,
all themed on the defense of the Faith, apologetics and socio-political
Within the last five years
Raymond has featured on the Eternal World
Television Network - EWTN. His
first series, "Good or Evil: Who Decides?" explored the
nature of morality in light of the individual, the state, pressure groups
and God.
His second series, "Jesus Christ, True God and True Man" is
a masterly defence of Jesus' divinity in the face of the growth of secularism, agnosticism
and Islam.
Most recently
His continued travels worldwide have sparked invitations to
television shows and radio stations worldwide. Some of the major media
outlets that have interviewed Raymond on apologetics, pro-life and
socio-political issues:
EWTN Bookmark - Doug Keck
EWTN The Journey Home - Marcus Grodi
EWTN Threshold of Hope - Fr. Mitch Pacwa
EWTN Radio - with Theresa Tomeo
RealCatholicTV - Michael Voris
WHOJ 91.9 FM - Catholic Radio in Indiana
Stations of the Cross Catholic Radio Network - Buffalo, NY
Divine Mercy Network - Bloomfield Hills, MI
Ave Maria Radio - Ann Arbor, MI
TelePace in Australia - the Italian broadcast in Australia
Cancão Nova - Catholic
Television in Brazil
StereoVale 103.9 - Radio in
Cancão Nova - Catholic Television and Radio in Portugal
Pax Television - Catholic Television in Peru
Radio Veritas - Catholic Radio in South Africa
Radio 907 - Secular Radio in South Africa
With Human Life International - HLI - Raymond currently
produces "HLI Lifelines", a pro-life series in five
languages available only online. Languages include English, Spanish,
French, Italian and Portuguese.