Catholic Action and Pro-Life Initiatives


His involvement in the Pro-Life and Pro-Family Cause started in Brazil, his country of birth, through the initiatives promoted by the great Catholic leader Prof. Plinio de Oliveira.  Later on, in Canada and the United States, he volunteered his time and dedication to local movements defending Life and Family in the late 70's.  Through the turn of the century until today, Raymond's chief efforts have been with Human Life International as Director for Portuguese Speaking Countries.  He continues to travel and address audiences in Mozambique, East Timor, Brazil and Portugal, to name a few.  

AfricaIn South Africa - 1981-83

In South Africa he took more concrete steps in the defence of the unborn.  With Dr Claude Newbury, a hero of the Pro-Life work, he regularly visited Catholic and non-Catholic churches on behalf of Human Life International.  He was also an active member of the Knights of da Gama.

AustraliaIn New Zealand

The North Island.  In Auckland, he took up Mother Teresa of Calcutta's motto – 'Adoption, not Abortion!' and went live on radio in his broadcast 'Crossroads Challenge'. 

Later in Wellington, he and his wife Theresa started the 'New Zealand Family Action' against the propagation of pornography -  it fuels an instinct that ultimately finds a false solution in abortion for unwanted pregnancies.

He made verbal and written representations to select parliamentary committees in defense of the family on various bills being debated in Parliament. He was also a member of the national board of the Coalition of Concerned Citizens.

RaymondThe South Island.  As president of the most active branch of the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child (Christchurch), he led a committee that organized demonstrations and prayer vigils in front of the local abortion clinic, wrote letters to politicians and published ads in newspapers.  For nearly three years he gave public talks at the local Bishop's Cathedral House, and at the Conference room of the Catholic Education Office.

In Christchurch he ran a weekly broadcast - 'Mission: Possible!' - and for over two years, he organized programs to promote the Encyclical Letter 'Evangelium Vitae' and to fight the abortion and euthanasia bills.  He often broadcast his bishop's statements on a variety of issues, especially the defense of human life.

He also published a monthly bulletin, 'Timely', centering on Pro-life activities both from his radio broadcast and from his Bishop.  He initiated a pro-life prayer movement, the Legion of St Michael, aimed to spread the prayer to St Michael the Archangel and invoke Angelic help against the satanic influences in the Culture of Death.

He was also an active member of the Knights of the Southern Cross (New Zealand) in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.


December 1996, he and his family moved to Perth.  The Archbishop invited him to produce a weekly, radio broadcast for the Archdiocese.  'Sounds Catholic' was born.  For eighteen months, he reported regularly on unashamedly pro-family activities and attacked the anti-abortion vision.

In 1998, he and his wife Theresa organized a strong Pro-life march around Victoria Square.  About 700 people participated.  It ended with a Holy Hour celebrated by Archbishop Hickey himself, whose homily was precisely on the WA new abortion laws - laws which His Grace encouraged the faithful to reject.

In 2001-2002, he and his wife were on air.  Australia's first Catholic, talk-back broadcast in WA, 'The Layman's Hour'.  On Sunday evenings they regularly gave free airtime to defenders of the Pro-Life Cause, such as

  • Pregnancy Assistance
  • Coalition for the Defense of Human Life (W.A.)
  • Helpers of God's Precious Infants, Family Council of Western Australia
  • Crossroads Community
  • Post Abortion Grief Counseling Services
  • National Viewers and Listeners Association of Australia
  • National Civic Council of Australia
  • Knights of the Southern Cross.

He interviewed live pro-life fighters calling from the Australian Eastern states, USA, Italy, Germany and France.  He broadcasted statements regularly by Archbishop Hickey and interviewed His Grace live on air, especially on stem-cell research.

The Australian Bishops chose the last Sunday in May as 'Day for Life', in response to Pope John Paul II's Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae.  Raymond and Theresa organized the unique prayer vigil of 'Children praying for Children' at St Mary's Cathedral, when born children prayed for the unborn.  It lasted as an annual event for almost seven years.

Raymond de SouzaUSAIn the United States of America

Since 2002, Raymond has worked primarily with Human Life International.  Recently he was nominated for the position of Director for Portuguese Speaking Countries.  

He has since travelled to Brazil, the Cape Verde Islands, East Timor, the Phillipines, Tanzania, and host of other countries, striving to promote and encourage pro-life awareness and action before pro-abortion legislation is passed. 

He has also created and organized the "Cast the Gauntlet" Pro-Life Conferences in Scranton, PA.  More information on these seminars is available at

In light of Catholic Action, Raymond directs the Sacred Heart Legion, under the Sacred Heart Institute.  Visit for more information.

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